Business integrity

Loyalty, fairness, transparency, honesty, and integrity. These 5 words are at the heart of KLM’s Code of Conduct.

Speak Up

Compliance with the Code of Conduct applies to all KLM Group employees. As part of the code, if there is any suspicion of inappropriate business behaviour within the company, staff can report it correctly and safely. Not only current and former KLM employees can do this; anyone who comes into contact with KLM as a result of their work may do this as well. You can find more information in our Speak Up Policy. In this policy, you’ll also find a link to the Speak Up reporting tool.

Read our Speak Up Policy

Customer complaints cannot be filed via the Speak Up reporting tool. For such complaints, please reach out to the KLM Customer Contact Centre.

Safety and security

Safety and security are fundamental aspects of everything we do. We aim to achieve the highest level of safety and security possible. Our ambition is to be a world leader in safety.

Read our statement on safety and security

KLM tax transparency and contribution report

By publishing this report, KLM aims to take a first step in providing all our stakeholders with an understanding of our approach to tax and the various tax contributions KLM makes. For an open and constructive dialogue on tax, we believe it is important to have a shared understanding of the tax rules for the international airline industry and the principles that guide our operations worldwide.

Read our tax transparency and contribution report

Our sustainability statement

We are committed to minimising the impact of our activities by reducing our environmental footprint and protecting the environment beyond regulatory compliance.

Read our full environmental policy statement

KLM Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure

At KLM, we prioritise the security of our systems and data. We ask your help to protect our systems and data better.

Read more aboutKLM's Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure